

Monday, 18 April 2011


 I was grounded for two days, Smelly my racksack and I was only had permission to go out of our room to viste the bathroom and have something to eat with the cook, wilson Gregory the great Walrus pirate.

 The over weight fairy Tillie Tale-tell following behind us, complaing about how her wings are tied, trying to keep up with us, hovering above a few inchs of the floor.
Will that seavers her right for eating to much cholocate, that my grandfather, the captain gave her for a reward for telling on me.
 As we got to Wilson kitchen, I had to hold onto my nose as a strange strong smell, that I never smelt before and this did'nt come from Smelly.

As we enterd the room, we where confronted by stacks of dirty pots, it felt like a food bomb gone off  sticking to the walls and ceiling. Wilson a huge grey Walrus,in the middle of this creative mess, franticly wisking with his flipper into a silver bowl, creating his new dish.
 So excited to see us, he handed the bowl over to me, it looked like Spaghetti with bits of fish...
"Mmmm," I said to Wilson, "but I think Tillie should try first," I couldn't help to show her my payback smile on face as I looked at the over weight fairy puffing and panting on the stone floor.

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